Place order via draft function

How to create order drafts

Note that you must be logged in to your account before you can create order drafts.

When you create order drafts, you do not need to finalize them. An order is only placed the moment you finish an order draft, so you can have several order drafts, or return to your account and complete an order at a later time.

When an order is placed by completing an order draft, Sirius Home A/S only receives your order for further processing when you have completed your order draft (placed an order). An order draft is therefore only something you can see and work with, completely non-binding.

1. Create an order draft

You will find the order draft function in your profile overview. Here you click on "create draft" and name your order draft.

2. Delivery address

You can only choose to have your goods delivered to an address Sirius Home A/S is already familiar with and has created.

If you have several delivery addresses, you will be able to choose between these and choose the one you want your goods delivered to.

3. Browse items

You can add items to your order list by searching for item name or item number. You can also use the menu at the top. When you search and then click on an item, it is added to your draft and you can choose the number of items.

Tip: be specific in your search, the broader you search, the longer it takes to search for items. If you have the option to search by item number, this provides the smoothest experience.

4. Revision number / Date of delivery / Comment

a. Du skal kun udfylde rekvisitionsnummer hvis du på forhånd ved du skal og i øvrigt har et nummer.

b. Vælg den dato du ønsker varerne leveret. Vælger du ingen dato, sendes varerne hurtigst muligt.

c. Du kan efterlade en kommentar til din ordre såfremt du har detaljer, som er vigtige for Sirius Home A/S at vide.

5. Place your order

When you think your draft order is ready to be completed, click on "place order" at the bottom right. You can then go through your order an extra time before you "confirm" the order one last time, which is then sent to Sirius Home A/S.

Worth knowing

You can always contact us via the chat if you need help, especially the first time you want to use the order draft.

If you are an Agent, you must be aware that you must represent a customer before you create order drafts, otherwise you cannot place the order for a specific customer. See the article "represent a customer".

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